Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Attributes Needed to Win a Photo Contest

In every photo contest, each entrant should have thorough preparations in order to get his or best shot. In the field of photography, creativeness and craftsmanship must be possessed to have a brighter future in it. Some people are under the impression though that photography is for people who were to be photographers or visually gifted; but, it’s actually not true. The fact about photography is that anyone can be good in it. How? Through constant learning and preparations, photography can be mastered and anyone could definitely win first place in a photography contest. Discipline and courage are also needed in order to win a picture contest because these two characters would encourage you to strive harder and aim for the better. If you are a beginner and dreams to join and win that prestigious photo contest, you have to prepare yourself from the very start and get ready for various experiences. Be aggressive if needed.

As an entrant in any kind of picture contest, you also have to be keen on the attributes and assets that judges are looking for. To give you details about these attributes to win a picture contest, please find the details below.
1) Lighting – most experts say that photography is all about lighting. Excellent lighting means excellent photography. It is indeed true. You have to master the lighting settings of your camera. An entrant must know how to measure the needed light. Is the available light enough to capture the subject or there is still a need to add more light? If there is, then choose the right color of lighting to display the beauty of the subject.
2) Sharpness – this attribute is one of the catchiest parts of a winning piece in a photography contest. To achieve quality sharpness, a photographer must select the right aperture and shutter speed.
3) Exposure – this attribute is the quantity of light accumulated by the sensor of the camera. Similar with sharpness, exposure also depends on shutter speed and aperture. As the saying goes that practice makes perfect; it’s the same with photography. Before joining a major photo contest, it would be wise to practice a lot so you could experiment on exposure. Bring your camera everywhere you go to always be ready to capture a subject that interests you.
To sum it up, the attributes mentioned above must be mastered in order for you to start right in photography and get a ticket to win a photography contest.

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