Thursday, November 24, 2011

Competitive Tips To Win A Baby Photo Contest

Having a baby in the family promotes a different level of atmosphere with in each other because they are like angels that bring out innocence and genuine happiness. Babies also become the center of attention and one of the favorite subjects for family photography. Since photography has increased popularity in today’s generation, different types of categories were developed and one of which is baby photography. There have been so many free baby photo contest and competitions being hosted both in the net and in the local state area. Most companies who host a free baby photo contest are those who are in the business of catering baby supplements.

If you are a mother who is interested in joining a baby photo contest, get your self ready to take some action with your cute little angel. Honestly, baby photography isn’t that easy but not too hard anyway. If you have not experienced a formal training in photography, then you might need to spend a little time learning some fundamental basics on how to take picture of babies and win a baby photo contest.

Baby’s firsts are always memorable as ever. If you want to have a good story to tell in a baby picture, the record of their first smile, crawl, sit, bath, or walk could be a great choice. However, a good story in mind is not the only factor to win a baby photo contest. It’s more than a story which really requires the entrant to do some special touches on the picture. A good story must be arranged through the proper application of good composition techniques and excellent exposure.

Photography composition techniques are almost the same in any kind of category in photography; the difference would depend on the photographer’s perspective, creativity, and attitude. Always take note of the subject’s point of view or your own point of view when applying the rule of thirds. Then, for lighting, bear in mind that balance must be achieved to have a competitive entry in a free baby photo contest. As commonly suggested by experts, natural lighting can do magic when it comes to baby photos. Objects in the foreground must also be taken into consideration for balance. Choose objects that would complement the subject as the center of interest. Framing is also important for good composition.

For exposure settings in photographing a baby, fast shutter speed and high ISO are recommended because the subject’s character is unpredictable. Once you can master composition and the appropriate exposure settings to use; get ready, be adventurous and explore the beauty of baby photography. Always remember that practice makes it perfect. It always works!

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