Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Make Your Way in a Photo Contest

They say that photography is a form of art. It is judged as to how the viewer sees it. Like other art, the message or the story in a photo can clearly be interpreted by the photographer itself. But once the photo is engaged in a photo competition, its significance to the photographer may come less important to the conclusion of the judges. Like in any contest, a photography contest can offer a prize ranging from certificates into amounts of cash and even to luxurious items such as a car. This depends on the host of the competition. While some make a photo competition into venue for extra income, some considers a photography contest as a venue of expressing their selves to the public. Just remember that when entering such challenge, conclusions have to be made. If it does not turn into what you expect it to be, don’t feel down. Instead, consider it as a stepping stone to a much brighter path.

But if you intend to nail the photography contest here are the following tips you need to tag along for an ensured success: 

1.) Know the contest rules. If you don’t then don’t bother joining a photo contest. Violating a part of the rule may disqualify a contender in the photo competition making all of one’s effort into waste. 

2.) Stick to the theme or topic. There is a reason why a theme is presented in a photo contest. It may differ from the cause of the event depending on the host of the photography contest. Another is to narrow down the wide choices of the judges. 

3.) Image shot should be sharp. Blur due to shaking is unacceptable unless it’s made in purpose.

4.) Make your photo or image tell a persuasive story. Make an impact at first glance. Make sure the subjects or elements in your picture express the story you would like to tell. 

5.) Be creative. Play with the different elements. Blend them together to make the perfect photo. 

6.) Be original. Originality is commonly included in the criteria. Aside from this, judges can easily tell if the photo is a copy of another. 

7.) It is a competition. Remember that you will be competing with a number of photographers with the same goal as you are. So focus on your own style and make the best out of it.

Whatever you do in the photo contest, the best way to be on top of it all is to enjoy every moment and appreciate the art of photography.

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