Monday, November 21, 2011

Factors In Achieving A Balanced Composition

In the area of photography, lots of people think of so many rules; however, experts and experienced photographers who have already won numerous photography contest or competitions globally say that there are no rules but just guidelines. Photography does not set any kind of rules to follow but just tips and techniques to guide anyone who’s interested to learn. One of the most fundamental techniques in photography is to master the basics because it will serve as a firm foundation in learning new and modern techniques and eventually be your ticket in joining an influential photography contest in the future.

One of the basic techniques in photography is composition which handles balance. It is a known fact that balance is very important in any kind of field like in architecture, engineering, medicine, and a lot more. Photography isn't an exception. If you have seen a prestigious photography contest or exhibit, you will witness that each photo has its balance. It looks like all of the photos in a photo contest could grab the first place; however, balance is not just about plain balance. In photography, there are factors to be considered in producing a balanced composition. 

Judges in a photo contest always look into the expertise of a photographer to create a good balance which mainly depends on the combination of color, lighting, space and shapes. As the rule of thirds state that the center of interest could not only be placed in the center but could be at the sides or in other locations; however, balance must be achieved by using the right color. Let’s say that your entry for a picture contest consists of small region of lively colors; to balance it, the large region must have neutral colors. Then, for lighting, always remember the concept of lightness against darkness. For open spaces, just make sure to put the subject on the other side which is the center of interest. This is one of the most common errors of beginners upon joining their first picture contest.

When it comes to shapes, make sure that balance can be achieved by proper positioning of small objects into a wide flat area. Entries in a picture contest that has large open regions always have something irregular placed into it which creates harmony for the whole photo. The factors mentioned about are just the basics of producing a balanced composition, as beginners who are planning to join a photo contest, master the basics
and don’t ever stop learning.

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