Monday, November 21, 2011

Impact of Lines In Producing Excellent Photography Composition

Composition in photography is very important for the picture to look meaningful and catchy. It’s one of the most vital criteria used in any kind of photo contest. It is in the composition of a photograph where judges and critics from photography contest sees the impact of the image. Having an excellent composition in the photo could surely make an entry competitive in a photography contest no matter what.

One element of photography composition is the lines. It greatly affects how the viewer sees the image. Great lines mean dynamic photograph. If you have plans to join a photo contest, you must learn the effect of the different lines in the photograph.

Vertical lines can be found in trees, people standing up, buildings and other infrastructures. This kind of lines motivates moods and feeling of strength, superiority, height, and power. If you have the desire to display these kinds of feelings in your photo contest entry, then make sure to let the vertical lines be distinctive in the photo. If you want to use buildings as the subject for your picture contest entry, make sure to make the vertical lines clearly visible. Next are horizontal lines which can be commonly found in landscapes. Take note how important is the horizontal lines in the rules of thirds which is another element of photography composition. Horizontal lines stimulate the mood of peacefulness and feeling of tranquility. Picture contest entries that concern about landscapes can be enhanced through proper positioning of the lines.

Then, there are diagonal lines which simply denote force. This can be applied to photograph where in the photographer wants to display an act. Diagonal lines can be seen in sports photography and trees moved by air. There are also times that a photographer needs to tilt the camera to force a diagonal line; however, this technique must be used properly that it should look natural especially if you are making an entry in a photography contest. Curve lines show the most artistic type of lines. The “S” curve line which is commonly known as the line of beauty can be seen in roads, double curves of rivers. A lot of experienced photographers who join a photo contest used “S” curve lines to display the natural beauty of nature.

Understanding the effects and uses of different lines in photography could produce a photo that is natural, dynamic, and making a great impact to the viewers. Proper use of lines could indeed make a difference in the photo’s composition.

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